There are a thousand reasons to settle into the peaceful dining room of Restaurant Windsor (or, if the weather permits, on its lush terrace) and indulge in the pleasure of discovering the dishes that make up the Barcelona Menu. This proposal has already become essential, as it allows diners to learn about some of the emblematic dishes that were eaten in the city throughout the 20th century. There are plenty of reasons to taste the Barcelona Menu: here are five of them.
1. Because it refers to Nèstor Luján
The gastronome, journalist, and writer Nèstor Luján has been a key figure in creating a theoretical framework for Barcelona gastronomy. He was one of the great writers of the 20th century, a scholar who captured all his knowledge in the book Vint segles de la cuina a Barcelona, a historical essay filled with anecdotes from which the recipes of this menu have emerged. Thus, the Barcelona Menu is a menu with history, stimulating both the palate and the intellect. Is there any greater pleasure?
2. To discover restaurants that no longer exist
The Barcelona Menu features proposals ranging from Rossini cannelloni from the popular Maison Dorée to duck à l'orange from Cau Ferrat or crêpe Suzette from Glazier restaurant. All of them allow us to journey, with imagination and with the stomach, through a Barcelona that no longer exists, via some of its most emblematic restaurants, each of which was, in its own way, a symbol of an era.
3. Because Barcelona cuisine is unique
There are typical dishes of popular Barcelona cuisine that are not found anywhere else, not even in other parts of Catalonia. It is the greatness of a port and seafaring city, vibrant as few others, that over the centuries has welcomed people from different cultures and sensibilities, which also translates into its gastronomy. The Barcelona Menu will allow the most intrepid diners to also discover popular recipes of the city such as lamb with sweet ratatouille or cod with potatoes and aioli.
4. Because everything tastes better with good wine
The Barcelona Menu is priced at €55 (drinks not included), meaning we will have to rely on the Windsor team if we need help selecting the perfect wine. It will be quite an experience, as the restaurant's cellar, with over 500 references from around the world, is one of the most prestigious in the city, and has been awarded two Cartavi prizes by the Generalitat de Catalunya, among other recognitions.
5. It's not just about what you eat, but how you eat
The Barcelona Menu is a journey through history, a tour of the gastronomy of a city in constant turmoil. Tasting it is an experience that requires calm and space, and the pleasant rooms of Restaurant Windsor undoubtedly provide the right atmosphere for this experience to be unique. Entering Windsor always means slowing down from the first minute, gradually reaching the mental state necessary to enjoy this experience in all its splendor. Without hurry, without stress, in a warm and welcoming environment with attentive and exquisite service. And –of course– always with the finale of a good sobremesa. As Luján would have liked.